How to know what suits a person.
A self reliant person knows instinctively what suits him/her. He will
be driven aright by impulse. Others need greater circumspection. And
this is one of the methods to determine what one is made for:
Whatever you are doing or have chosen to do:-
a. Are you doing it reluctantly, even if with faint reluctance or with
alacrity? If former is the case you are made for something else.
Remember nobody is made for everything but everybody is made for
b. Does it afford you pleasure and are you at a peace with it? Or do
you feel that you are doing it by way of a necessity /compulsion and
given a choice, you would opt for something else.
c. Do you find a satisfactory degree of fulfillment and self-expression?
d. Are you almost as relaxed in doing what you have chosen to do as
though you are pursuing a hobby? If so, you are ideally suited to do
e. Do you get a feeling that you are fulfilling your life’s purpose in
what you are doing ? If so, stick to it. Today as perhaps before too,
the choice of a career is dictated often enough by:-
(i) Glamour.
(ii) Earning.
(iii) Power and
(iv) Social prestige.
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